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A pandemic-era student loan benefit ends after Monday. Here’s what borrowers need to know

AI Analysis:
**Unbiased Facts:**

* A one-year grace period for student loan borrowers who miss a payment is ending this week.
* The Biden administration provided an on-ramp period from September 30, 2024, to allow borrowers to make payments without being reported to credit bureaus.
* Data from TransUnion shows that just over half of borrowers who should have been making payments have actually made them over the past year.
* The SAVE (Saving on a Valuable Education) plan is currently on hold due to litigation.
* Borrowers enrolled in SAVE do not have to pay their monthly student loan bills while the plan is blocked.

**Bias and Opinions:**

* The article assumes that the Biden administration's efforts on student loan relief are benevolent, stating "despite the legal challenges, the Biden administration has so far approved the cancellation of $169 billion in student loan debt for nearly 4.8 million borrowers through existing student loan forgiveness programs." This language implies a positive view of the administration's actions.
* The article does not provide any criticism or negative comments about the administration's handling of student loan relief, suggesting that they are acting in the best interests of borrowers.
* The use of phrases such as "borrowers who have made 10 years of payments" and "borrowers who are permanently disabled" implies a sense of sympathy for these groups, which may not be present in all articles on this topic.

**Favored Political Party:**

The article appears to favor the Democratic Party, specifically the Biden administration. The language used suggests a positive view of their actions, and no criticism is offered.

**Bias Alert:** This article is biased towards the Democratic Party and in favor of the Biden administration's efforts on student loan relief. The author presents a one-sided view of the issue, without offering any balance or criticism of the administration's actions.

AI analysis made using llama3.2:latest running locally.

Original Article:
A one-year grace period for student loan borrowers who miss a payment is ending this week.... [Read More]

Published: 2024-09-30T09:00:38

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